Sunday, November 29, 2009

Jonathan Adler

Inspiration 2: Jonathan Adler

Jonathan Adler originally worked at a talent agency in  New York City. He went on to work in the office of a well-known producer, but came to intensely dislike the entertainment industry.  He decided to quit his job and picked up his childhood hobby, pottery.   After launching his own line of pottery in 1993 he hit the design world be storm and opened his own store. He later began  to design his own furniture line in 2002 and that is how he got his start in the interior design field.  He has a quirky sensibility and a fresh, modern take on interior design.  He sums up his design concept in an interview with the New York Times saying, ""My entire philosophy is that when you come home, your house should have the effect of Zoloft.  I truly believe that good decorating can cure a lot of psychological ills, and make you feel good about yourself as well as your home."

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